Losing excess weight in a short time with minimal damage to the body is the desire of many people suffering from excess subcutaneous fat. An ideal option when shedding pounds does not mean shedding your wallet. A buckwheat diet is considered an inexpensive but very effective way to lose weight. We've been used to this granola since we were kids, and with good reason. It turns out to be really helpful.

Features of the buckwheat diet
On the shelves of stores you can see different types of buckwheat - in kernels and shredded. For weight loss, it is recommended to use seeds as they have been minimally processed and contain more nutrients. Do not be afraid of the calorie content of buckwheat, its calories are quite useful. And the low glycemic index makes this grain an ideal diet for weight loss.
Usually, buckwheat is consumed in the form of muesli and soups. Advanced cooks use it to prepare other hearty and even gourmet dishes. Much is known about the nutritious and useful microelements contained in buckwheat.
But it is worth noting that buckwheat contains vitamins B and P, folic acid, as well as potassium and iron, which are so necessary for every body.
This diet is really versatile in its duration. You can sit on it 1 day - unloading, 3, 7 and 14 days. With it, you can eat even after 6: 00 p. m. , with the only condition that the last meal of any food or drink should be at least 4 hours before bedtime.
Diet Options
A day of fasting and a three-day diet have a common menu - only buckwheat and a glass of low-fat (1%) kefir per day. Sometimes it is allowed to drink up to 1 liter of low-calorie kefir on a fasting day. With such a diet, you can lose up to 1 kg of excess weight per day.
With a diet for 7 or 14 days, the menu can be more varied, vegetables, sour fruits and dietary meat or fish dishes are introduced. On a buckwheat diet, you can lose up to 10 kg per week and 12-14 kg in two weeks.
There are many different variants of the buckwheat diet, the most well-known are:
- strictly
- buckwheat - kefir,
- buckwheat + apples,
- gentle or healing,
- buckwheat + vegetables,
- buckwheat + low-calorie dairy products,
- buckwheat + vegetables + lean meat and fish,
- Buckwheat + dried fruit.
Strict is the most effective but the most difficult, especially for those who don't like this product. During such a diet, you can use only fresh buckwheat and water, sometimes a glass of kefir for bowel function.
Buckwheat - kefir diet is also quite strict - you can eat only buckwheat with kefir per day, or these two products separately. The volume of kefir should be 1 liter. Its feature is that the last meal and drinks should be 6 hours before bedtime. The rest of the diet options are tastier and a lot easier to sit down.
You can also mix diets if you want to lose weight in 14 days - you can add vegetables to food for several days, spend a few days on a strict or buckwheat kefir diet, then add vegetables again, or choose a different diet option for several days.
Between the main meals, you can have snacks, drink water and kefir, but always half an hour or an hour before the main meal. It is not recommended to drink additional drinks within an hour after eating, since the food has not yet had time to be digested.

The benefits of losing weight with buckwheat
Whichever diet option you choose, they all have common benefits:
- availability and reasonable price of the main ingredient,
- the effectiveness of weight loss - up to 1 kg per day,
- cleansing of the intestines from toxins and slags,
- blood purification,
- normalization of cholesterol levels,
- feel full
- Improving appearance - not only a slim figure, but also healthy nails and hair, beautiful skin.
diet cons
The buckwheat diet also has disadvantages, but their list is much smaller:
- for the most part it is a mono diet,
- Rejection of salt, sugar, spices leads to depression, aggressiveness, fatigue and increased irritability,
- Restriction or abstinence from other foods without taking into account the individual characteristics of the body can harm it,
- A strict buckwheat diet can lead to constipation and intestinal problems.
Daily calorie intake on a strict diet is less than 500 kcal. We offer an approximate menu for the day of the buckwheat diet with vegetables and lean meat and fish.
- Breakfast - buckwheat and kefir or tea
- Lunch - vegetable salad, boiled chicken fillet or fish
- Dinner - buckwheat with vegetables, kefir.
Losing weight with such a well-known food product is not suitable for the following groups of people:
- pregnant and breastfeeding mothers,
- Diabetic,
- hypertensive patients,
- suffer from diseases of the digestive system,
- with kidney or heart failure,
- who have recently had abdominal surgery,
- People with heavy physical exertion.
All mono diets should be done at intervals of at least six months. Buckwheat diet is a pleasant exception to this rule. You can lose weight in a month and cleanse the body on it.

The essence and rules of the buckwheat diet
Transitioning to a mono-diet is difficult, but the 7-day result will pleasantly surprise you. With the correct implementation of the buckwheat diet, minus 10 kg is easy to achieve. This is done through a deep internal cleansing of all organs - fluid, toxins, toxins are removed from the body. The second week of the 14-day weight loss program will bring more modest results - you will lose a few more pounds.
The essence of the buckwheat diet
The essence of the diet is to eat only one food for 1-2 weeks - buckwheat. Since this muesli is very nutritious, you don't have to go hungry. The hardest thing about dieting is keeping track of your favorite foods that you don't want to lose weight. In order to torment yourself and your body not only with buckwheat on a strict diet, you can choose any other option with additional food.
diet rules
Even such a simple diet as buckwheat has its own rules, non-observance of which affects the final result.
- Method of making porridge. Buckwheat kernels must be sorted out, washed and poured with boiling water in a 1: 2 ratio. You can boil or wrap in a thermos and keep in a warm place for several hours or overnight. In this way, all useful substances are preserved in the porridge.
- Mandatory renunciation of spices, sauces, oils. Sugar, salt, spices and flavorings are banned because of their harmful effects on the body - retaining fluid in the body or causing a feeling of hunger. Sauces and all oils are extra fats that prevent you from losing weight.
- Strict control of water consumption. Any water at room temperature is allowed, except sparkling water. You can drink green tea and sometimes coffee if you can't refuse.
- portion distribution. In the most popular version of the buckwheat diet menu, you need to eat three times a day. More varied diet options provide up to 5 meals.
- snacksMore gentle diet options indicate the presence of snacks, which should consist of kefir, 1 apple or citrus.
- Mandatory freshness of products. The porridge is prepared the night before. If other products are added, they must be fresh and purchased that day or a few days before.
- Smooth return to normal eating. If you celebrate the end of the diet with an extensive feast, the lost kilograms will come back and the body will experience a real shock from the loading dose of carbohydrates and fats.
After the end of the diet, it is necessary to endure the first week without sweet and starchy foods, fried foods. We understand this is tricky because you really want to treat yourself with something tasty but can't. You can introduce oil and add 2-3 products to the diet every 1-2 days. In this way, the result of the diet is preserved.
Compliance with all these requirements will help to follow a diet, cleanse the body and lose weight. If you notice a change in the color of the skin, the structure of hair and nails, then it is necessary to introduce a complex of vitamins and minerals into the diet.

Recommended and Prohibited Products
In addition to buckwheat, other foods in different versions are allowed in the menu for each day of the buckwheat diet. Among them:
- low-fat dairy products: milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese,
- Apples are not sweet varieties,
- any vegetable, whole, steamed or in a salad, except legumes, potatoes, corn,
- dried apricots, prunes, figs, no more than 2-3 pieces per meal,
- lean fish, beef,
- chicken fillet,
- boiled egg 1 piece per day,
- soy sauce 1 teaspoon,
- green,
- lemon juice,
- green tea and natural coffee without sugar,
- Sesame,
- natural juices without sugar and salt,
- honey 1 teaspoon a few days.
The daily calorie dose should not exceed 1500 kcal.
Various purchased sauces, oils, spices, greasy, sweet flour products fell under the ban. Alcohol is strictly forbidden.
Menu for 7 days
The buckwheat diet for 7 days is considered the most optimal duration. Even on a strict or buckwheat kefir version of the diet, you can last a week. We offer a sample menu for the week.
days/meals | breakfast | dinner | dinner |
First |
second |
third |
Fourth |
Fifth |
Sixth |
Seventh |
Menu for 14 days
The strictest types of diets are strict buckwheat and buckwheat kefir. It is much easier to follow a mixed buckwheat diet for 14 days, where the main product is supplemented with vegetables, fruits and dietary meat.
days/meals | breakfast | dinner | dinner |
First |
second |
third and fourth |
Fifth |
Sixth |
Seventh |
Eighth |
Ninth, tenth and eleventh |
twelfth |
thirteenth |
fourteenth |
Ratings and Results
It's nice to lose weight with familiar foods that can be found in every refrigerator. Affordable food, simple meals, low cooking costs - what else can an ideal diet entail? Nothing more to add to the sport.
In view of this, the ideal option for losing weight with foods familiar to the body would only be the buckwheat diet, the reviews and results of which sound quite convincing. In terms of the number of people satisfied with the result, it can only compete with the drinking diet or the Japanese diet. Minor flaws can be fixed with willpower. Positive reviews confirm the loss of kilograms and an improvement in the general condition of the body.
Diet Recipes
We bring to your attention a few simple recipes for diet dishes that will help diversify your stay on a buckwheat diet without violating the basic rules.
Steamed buckwheat cutlets
- 1 cup of boiled boiled buckwheat
- 1 raw egg
- 1 pear
- 1 carrot
- 2 tablespoons flour
Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, sauté. Add greens, egg, flour to the buckwheat and mix well. Form chops from the resulting mass. Boil water in a saucepan and put a special colander or pressure cooker on top for steaming cutlets. Put the chops in a colander, cover the pan with a lid and cook for 25-30 minutes, adding water as needed. You can also cook buckwheat cutlets in a water bath or slow cooker.

Buckwheat Diet Soup
- 100 g of boiled boiled buckwheat
- 1 small onion
- 1 small carrot
- 1 chicken breast
Boil the chicken meat and take it out to cool, drain the broth. Grate carrots or cut into strips, cut onion in half rings, fry in a dry pan. Cut the meat into pieces. Put 0. 5 liters of water in a burning pot. When it boils, toss the brisket, buckwheat, and roasted vegetables into the water. After 10 minutes the soup is ready. The rest is poured into a bowl.

buckwheat balls
- 200 grams of buckwheat
- 1 small carrot
- 1 pepper
- 1. l. lemon juice
Sort buckwheat, rinse, bring to a boil. The ratio of porridge and water should be 1: 2. The porridge is ready, let it cool to room temperature and mash or beat into minced meat. Grate carrots, cut peppers into small pieces. Mix vegetables with buckwheat, add lemon juice. Knead, form balls, leave to stand for 20-30 minutes and you're ready to eat.

Buckwheat with vegetables in a saucepan
- 100 grams of buckwheat
- 150 g frozen mixed vegetables or
- 1 small tomato
- 1 small eggplant
- 1 small carrot
- 1 small pepper
- greens
Sort buckwheat, wash, put in a saucepan. Pour water over the groats so that the buckwheat is covered by 1 cm. Cut the vegetables into small pieces and add to the buckwheat. If you use a frozen mix, you can pour less water on the granola since the veggies will melt and release water. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees. Cover the pot with a lid and place in the oven for 20 minutes. cutting greens. After 20 minutes, turn off the oven, remove the pot, pour in the vegetables and put back in the oven for 5-10 minutes. If you take the dish again, you can serve it on the table.